The progress and prosperity of a country depend upon the education system. Education makes people civilized, cultured and law abiding. Education is a function of democracy.
Education is equally important for both boys and girls basically, education is universal need, rather right of every citizen. Education should be provided to all without any difference of color, race, and religion.
Our greatest and crying need of the time is to build up and strengthen our defenses. For a strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan, we require educated, honest, devoted and dedicated young persons. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an...
Girls Schools and colleges are to be opened all over country. Primary Education must be made free and compulsory both for boys and Girls.
If the women are Educated, they can prove better mothers and wives. They can Educate the children and have great influence on them. They can teach them respect for the superiors, the teachers and the laws of country. We should pray to GOD that a time will come when every one without the difference of sexes learn the advantages of Education.

Education is equally important for both boys and girls basically, education is universal need, rather right of every citizen. Education should be provided to all without any difference of color, race, and religion.
Our greatest and crying need of the time is to build up and strengthen our defenses. For a strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan, we require educated, honest, devoted and dedicated young persons. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an...
"It is the duty of every Muslim man and woman to acquire knowledge and Educate".
It is cleared from above fact, Education is an equal right of women, Girls are said to be the light of home. If they are educated, they will carry the light wherever they go. The percentage of Education in Pakistan is hardly 26% and the percentage of Female Education is about 6%. If we want to have a harmonious growth, Female Education is to be given due importance in the national planning schemes moreGirls Schools and colleges are to be opened all over country. Primary Education must be made free and compulsory both for boys and Girls.
If the women are Educated, they can prove better mothers and wives. They can Educate the children and have great influence on them. They can teach them respect for the superiors, the teachers and the laws of country. We should pray to GOD that a time will come when every one without the difference of sexes learn the advantages of Education.

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