Might or strength or power produce a trend to dominate other every one who has some power want to show it on others. "Might is Right" is the principle which is followed by all senior to their junior.
The powers or holding a post creates pride and unconsciousness about the faults. Every officer think that the principle care to take advice from others and does not think about the difficulties of the others. If any one tries to criticize him, he uses his power at once. Actually "Might is Right" is the law of jungle which is followed by wild animals. In this scene, all the government officers and post holders in private firms try to make the m selves as wild animals which always remain ready to attack, if they are hindered.
Islam is religion of peace, it gives the teachings for rights of human beings. According to the teachings of Islam, power and wealth both are trust of ALLAH so they must be used in the most careful manner, but it seems Islamic countries like the rest of world have also forgotten the lessons. "Might is Right" is the principle followed by every that person who has some power to make orders to other human beings , we should remember the lesson of our "HOLY PROPHET (P.B.U.H)" that all men are equal in the eye of god and all the Muslims are brother to one another.


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