My aim in life is to be a Doctor. I, therefore, choose biology as an optional subject in class 9th (IX). I am very interested in biology. I devoted a lot of time to biology. Through I have got no biology in class 10th (X). I keep on studying in my spare time.
A doctor's profession is noble. I want to become a very good doctor. I want to cure people of their diseases. I want to serve people.
A doctor can serve people and thus humanity in the best way. More and more people are suffering from a large number of diseases. They need good doctors who can treat them efficiently and quickly. I have chosen this profession not to make money, but to serve mankind. As I believe that service is worship.
There is a great shortage of good doctors in our country. All the good doctors go abroad to serve in foreign countries as they want to make more money. I can only go abroad for higher studies in my profession, but I will serve only my people and my country. If all the people make up their minds to serve the country and its people, our country will make progress at a very first rate. I want to see my people healthy and strong.


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