Patriotism is a feeling of love for one's own country. It is a desire to serve the country in all conditions. This love is so deep rooted that man can easily sacrifices his life and all hiss wealth for the land of his birth. This is love is not like the one that person has for another person, the love of one's own country is unchangeable.
Patriotism is a great force. It brings the people of a country closer. It makes them have common aims. Patriotism is a quality of high virtue. A man who has no love foe this country is considered without soul.

If we are patriots we will always try to make our country healthy and strong we will always try to help and urge the government to pressure just and moral policies in external and internal affairs. We will not allow our nation to destroy the right of the other nations. One must distinguish between patriotism and chauvinism which means blind supports of one's country without any regard to the justness of its cause.


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